


brand design, web design, template production

a visual identity to match the high touch service they provide to their clients.

macro consultants is a leading consulting firm that offers a wide range of services to clients across different industries, including corporations, institutions, and large developers. they have a reputation for delivering high-quality services that help businesses grow and succeed. their visual identity however, lagged behind that reputation. after an initial “bridge” branding project to quickly professionalize the materials they already had, we set about evolving the brand into something more sophisticated that matched what their business offers.

the brand included a new logo, new color palette, new typography and new photography assets. a new element we introduced was the "macro lens" — a framing device pulled from the logo. this element is used throughout the brand, incorporated into images and serving as a way to visually highlight the value that macro adds to a project, ranging from people, to fixtures, to programs, and buildings.

the original palette for the brand was harsh bright blue with pure black and white, a palette that may have worked for a technology company, but didn’t really fit with the high touch service offered by macro. we switched to a more subtle palette, including a deep navy blue and a pearl color paired matte printing and embossing effects to give the brand a high end feel that matches their services.